Quickbooks Error Codes
- Decoding QB Error Codes
- Error -6000, -80: An error occurred when QuickBooks tried to access the company file
- The user name 'Admin' is not a recognized user
- QuickBooks encountered a problem.
- Missing Name List Problem / Namelist-Rebuild Error
- Transaction has a history / link error to ---
- Receive Payment Icon on Home page is Orange
Error Code
Other Messages
Assertion failed.
The cause of this error is data corruption.
**Assertion Failed**
You will need to repair the data file. Quickbooks Data Recovery
Bad Index in DBKey search functions, or internal error
We tried to lookup information from an invalid index, or, some other kind of error occurred, maybe while printing lists. Memory is probably trashed, but it could be file related.
QBW tried to lookup information from a invalid index.
Reboot and restart Quickbooks. Rebuild and Verify if necessary.
BalType attempt to divide by zero
Quickbooks tried to divide an amount by 0
Quickbooks tried to divide an amount by 0
Quickbooks known problem with Progress Invoicing from an estimate - this is a none fatal error message - click ok on error. If occuring in different area - verify rebuild if necessary - try sample company - reinstall is needed - Report steps.
Cannot show the message.
We encountered an error trying to show the real message
QBW is unable to display the real message
Reboot and restart Quickbooks. Rebuild and Verify if necessary.
Cannot clear write from previous session
Quickbooks was unable to restore the state of the data file based on the image file. The data could be fine, or could have a partially recorded transaction hanging around
System crashed while QB was open. QB was not able to pull information from the image file to restore the data. The data could be fine, or could have a partially recorded transaction hanging around
Reboot and restart Quickbooks. Rebuild and Verify if necessary
Can't find row
Data needs to read into a report which has not allocated a row for it.
problem displaying a report
Try regenerating the report, changing date ranges. Try with different filters exit QB and restart. See if able to reproduce in sample - Report what report error is occuring on.
Can't find table resource
Could not load the resource that describes the layout of a table or table footer.
Most likely problem displaying something on the screen.
Reinstall Quickbooks. Check the video display or resolution.
Can't find target in txList
Trying to remove a target from a txList or locate a target that has been modified, but could not find it.
Error generating report. Report is trying to remove or change the amounts and it is not able to display the information correctly.
Try again with other windows closed such as reports, registers receive payments, etc. See KB for various ways to reproduce the error
Can't open file for export
QuickBooks can't open the .IIF file to begin exporting data
Unable to open export file
Is the destination disk full? Path and filename okay? If floppy disk, has it been formatted on this machine? Will export execute to HD? Try in sample company.
Can't open file for import
The IIF file specified cannot be opened
QBW had a problem opening the import file
The file may be in use by another application, for example a word processor or the file may not be an IIF file or hard drive problem. Can you copy file to new location?
Can't open file for Mail Merge.
After asking for a mail merge file name, QuickBooks failed to open it. Windows only.
Problem opening a file for mail merge
Check for the proper name and path. Does the file already exist, rename.
Can't release Quick Tour Close Windows and restore
While quiting we had a problem "letting go" of the quick tour
Problem completely exiting the quick Tour (only occurs in older version of QBW)
close all programs exit windows and try again.
Can't select new field
Unable to select a field on some form
Unable to select a field on some form
If occurs on customized templete try defaulting. Try in another company - attempt to reinstall.
Can't select next/prev table field
Unable to select some field in a table
Unable to select some field in a table
If on a templete try defaulting. See if occurs in new file - reinstall if needed.
C-Index returned failure (dsetKey)
A call to C-Index's "dsetkey" routine returned that it failed
most likely qbw is trying to create a key for record, but is unable to
Report steps. Exit Quickbooks and then retry. If problem continues, try rebuild. If problem still continues, contact ICU
ClearBitN - range error
Bitmaps are mostly used for selected items in report filters, but are also used during verify/rebuild. Here we're trying to clear a bit that is out of bounds of allocated memory.
Each target has a series of flags (called bitmaps) that can be set for faster reporting. (example> if it is paid, or marked to print are flags). We are trying to set this to something that is not possible.
Try to reproduce the error both in their file and in sample. Verify the file and rebuild if necessary. Try to narrow down to the transaction that is causing the problem and delete it. If same error occurs in sample - get exact steps and report
Closing data file while in a transaction (caching).
An attempt to close the data file, while performing an operation that is being cached. May result in data loss.
Trying to close file when transaction is cached in memory.
Release issue with 4.0 corrected in latest release - occurs when editing paychecks. Release issue with v3r6 occurs when converity DOS file - pressing escape while QBW3r6 is converting links from QBD.
Could not create a vendor name during rebuild.
QuickBooks tried to create the vendor for Sales Tax payable target during rebuild.
QBW unsuccessfully tried to create a vendor for Sales Tax Payable during rebuild.
Could not read the previous audit trail list.
This should only be found in the international version of 3.1. It occurs when a problem with the audit trail information is detected while building the audit trail report. The problem is in changes or deletions to one of the lists.
Error has only been seen in internation verion of 3.1 when trying to build the audit trail report
Try condensing the file removing the audit trail information - if this works please report steps you took to correct problem.
Couldn't create buffer for new trans when trying to autofill
NewTrans, which allocates memory for a new transaction faild
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again. Try another vendor or account. Turn off the auto fill preference and turn it back on.
Couldn't put link because one of the transactions does not exist
During import QBW encountered where one transaction was supposed to be linked to another and one of them or both of them didn't exist. This could be because they were not in the import file or QBW encountered an error when saving them.
QBW does not import links only transactions and lists
Check the import file. Make sure it is in the correct format. Try importing into sample or new company - delete the bad transaction from the import file and try again.
Couldn't write a data line to the import file
QuickBooks was exporting the line into the IIF file and could not complete the operation due to the low memory or not enough disk space.
Import fails. Typically related to media error or lack of space.
Disk may be full, or some other media problem. Check drive free space. If adequate, run chkdsk. Verify file & rebuild if indicated.
Couldn't write a definition line to the import file
QuickBooks was exporting the line into the IIF file and could not complete the operation due to the low memory or not enough disk space
Problem exporting lists.
Disk may be full, or some other media problem. Check drive free space. If adequate, run chkdsk. Verify file & rebuild if indicated. Look for any possible problems on the lists that you are trying to export.
Criteria bits set with single item
An error occurred while preparing for search
problem doing find
This should be a rather harmless bug. Report steps to reproduce.
Damaged account.
Problem when converting QuickBooks Dos account
Problem converting QBD account information.
Is source file healthy? Verify or validate data in source version. If damaged, repair and convert again. If unable to correct file in QBD restore a backup or refer customer to ICU.
Damaged budget.
Not enough room in the buffer when converting the Quicken or QuickBooks Dos budget
problem converting budget information from Quicken or QB DOS.
Possible resource issue. Check resources, reboot computer and restart QB. End task on non-essential applications. Is source file healthy? Verify or validate data in source version. If damaged, repair and convert again.
Damaged category.
Problem when converting Quicken or QuickBooks Dos category
Should only appear in association with conversion from Quicken or QB DOS.
Is source file healthy? Verify or validate data in source version. If damaged, repair and convert again. If unable to correct file in QBD restore a backup or refer customer to ICU.
Damaged name record.
Converting from QuickBooks Dos; the length of the initials or last name is too long.
Should only be seen Converting from QuickBooks Dos; having problems converting a employee
Employee name has not been converted - customer will have to enter employee and edit the transactions associated with employee to the correct name. If a rebuilt name was created edit the rebuild name to be the employee
Damaged serial number.
Converting from QuickBooks Dos; the length of the serial number is too long.
Should only appear in association with conversion from QB DOS.
Should not affect the conversion of the file.
Damaged transaction
Normaly happens during a Quicken DOS convert
Problem converting Quicken DOS transactions. Seen with sales tax line items on the invoices conflicting with the default sales tax item.
Is source data file healthy? If not, repair and convert again. For sales tax line - edit the problem invoices and reconvert. Try converting to a lower version of QB - 3.0)> If unable to correct in quicken refer to ICU for further options.
Damaged transaction.
Problem when converting QuickBooks Dos transaction
Problem converting QBD transactions.
Is source file healthy? Verify or validate data in source version. If damaged, repair and convert again. If unable to correct file in QBD restore a backup or refer customer to ICU.
DeleteAny() failed
cindex failed to delete a record
Transaction record could not be deleted.
Close file. Opend file - QBW should try to roll back. If not, try verify data and rebuild if necessary
Display index corrupted
The data was corrupted either on disk or in memory
List is showing on the screen incorrectly
Resort all the lists close and re-open the file try again. Check lists for any incorrect sorting (bank account with expense sub)
Do Working total is 0
When the program went to put up a thermometer, QB told the window that there were zero steps to complete. Depending on the operation it could mean that there's some problem with the data file (giving us zero items) or a simple programing error.
QB is unsure of where to set the Progress meter for the action. The progress meter is showing on step 0 of 0.
Try to reproduce the error. See if error occurs in sample. Reinstall QBW if necessary. Try to reproduce on different system. Report all system information
Duplicate serial number
Duplicate serial number encountered while converting Quickbooks/Dos data
Problems converting a QBD file
Quit convert go back into DOS run QBUTIL, check associated KBs>
EdListUndoProc called without a list
QuickBooks is trying to process an 'Undo' message for one of the lists, but we don't know which one.
Problems displaying message on one of the lists.
Try same steps in sample company - reinstall if needed. Report steps customer was doing.
EL_ACCNT: EP_CRITAND, unknown combination.
In Quickzoom(tm) we AND together two separate report filters. Here the account filters are not andable. This might happen if you were trying to and "Payroll Accounts" with "All A/P and Sales Tax"
Problem displaying transactions or report from a quickzoom
Please report the error, recording which report is being run, and which filters and customization has been chosen. Don't QuickZoom in this instance.
Empty crit bit array
Internal error
Internal error
Unclear. Free more memory. Try in new company. Reinstall program is necessary
Empty Index entry points to a used edlist item
Some entry in a list should be deleted, but for some reason did not get deleted
Resort all the lists close and re-open the file try again, verify file and rebuild if necessary
Error adding new accnt key (7to9Targets)
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "addroot" failed adding new account key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error adding new audit trail index root
When updating from Maui (QBW2.0) we need to rebuild an index. The routine "addroot" failed adding new audit trail key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error adding new item key (7to9Targets)
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "addroot" failed adding new item key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error adding new time activity index root
When updating we need to create a new index. The routine "addroot" failed adding new time activity key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error adding window positions root
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "addroot" failed adding new window position key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error allocating memory for table footer
Out of memory
problem displaying a form or report because the system is out of memory
close all applications, shut down qbw and try again. Reboot if needed.
Error computing avg cost in inventory history
Divide by zero in item history calc.-
problem recording the history for inventory item
try to determine which item is causing error - check inventory valuation detail for item - see if cost is showing correctly - create new merge old with new - on newer version verify and rebuild should also address the issue
Error creating popup menu for pick list
Error creating popup menu for pick list
Error creating popup menu for pick list
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=320
Error deleting master record
C-Index was unable to delete the master record of some transaction
Unable to delete part of a trasanction. Most likely there is some type of data damage
verify file - rebuild if necessary - try deleting transaction again
Error deleting target record
C-Index was unable to delete a target record
Unable to delete part of a trasanction. Most likely there is some type of data damage
verify file - rebuild if necessary - try deleting transaction again
Error dropping accnt key (7to9Targets)
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "droproot" failed removing account key
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error dropping item key (7to9Targets)
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "droproot" failed removing item key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error dropping window positions root
When updating we need to rebuild an index. The routine "droproot" failed removing window position key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error during update
QuickBooks failed when opening a company during updating indexes.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error encounted while replacing memorixed report
QBW couldn't allocate memory for the new report to replace an existing report
Problem memorizing a Memorized Reports
Data is fine. Report was not memorized. Need to make some more memory available. End task on extraneous avtivities. Safe mode a possibility.
Error encountered while clearing old window positions
While saving the users desktop QB tried to save the same windows trice
QBW had a problem saving the windows positions.
Have the user close and open QBW again if they are using the save desktop on start up preference. If they are using the save this desktop preference, have them resave it. Should go away if preference reset to Don't save desktop.
Error encountered while creating a report
An error occurred while creating a transaction history report
problem reading/displaying inventory item history information
see if you can narrow down the item causing the problem - create a new item merge old into new.
Error encountered while loading saved window positions
While restoring the users desktop during startup QBW tried to restore the same window twice. This is a coding error or a datafile error
QBW had a problem loading the windows positions
Open file supressing the desktop. Have the user close and open QBW again if they are using the save desktop on start up preference. If they are using the save this desktop preference, have them resave it. Should go away if preference reset to Don't save desktop.
Error getting pick string
Quickbooks did not recognize a pick string. Check options (payroll, inventory) and types of elements expected in pick list. Pick list will display a smiley face :->
Unable to read all the information from a drop down list. List will most likely display a :-) where it is unable to read.
Review KB for various program related issues. If error is occuring at another place please Report the steps to reporduce.
Error in addroot
When updating, if the version is less or equal than 14 (Kremlin) we need to rebuild any index which contains a BalType. The routine "addroot" failed adding new date key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error in addroot
When updating, if the version is less or equal than 14 (Kremlin) we need to rebuild any index which contains a BalType. The routine "addroot" failed adding new name key.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error in cnextrep.
Error when getting history of an item. Error in cindex file or internal error in Quickbooks
Usually problem with inventory - generating the history
if able to determine what item is giving error create new item merge old with new. Rebuild should address and correct this in later (3.1) versions of qbw
Error in dfind (TBYNAME)
An error occurred while searching
problem performing a find
If this is the only error, it simply indicates a harmless bug. Verify file rebuild if needed. Try same steps in sample company - Report what was being performed.
Error in dfnd (TBYITEM)
This error should only occur in older (2.0-3.1) versions of QBW.
Error in droproot.
When updating, if the version is less or equal than 14 (Kremlin) we need to rebuild any index which contains a BalType. The routine "droproot" failed during that process.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error in droproot.
When updating, if the version is less or equal than 14 (Kremlin) we need to rebuild any index which contains a BalType. The routine "droproot" failed during that process.
Problem reading the file index when updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Error in dsetKey
Could not set the key to find a particular transaction or list element
Could not set the key to find a particular transaction or list element
Please report the error. V= value has C-Index error code. Find out steps and get data so we can reproduce
Error in dsetkey
Error returned by dsetkey in SearchTxListByName
Problem displaying report
Verify rebuild if necessary - V has C-index error code or return value from builddrec. Get setps and data so we can reproduce
Error in dsetkey (TBYDATE)
See 305 (used "date" key)
Error trying to create a search for part of the index
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=306
Error in dsetkey (TBYITEM)
Error in creating a cindex search key. The routine "dsetkey" failed when using "item" key. Problem could be in several locations.
Error trying to create a search for part of the index
Verify, rebuild if needed. Remove transaction causing the problem. Restore backup or contact ICU for further options of Quickbooks Data Recovery
Error in IHA convert
An error accurred while converting data from In-House-Account (QB4.0 and later does not convert it any more)
An error accurred while converting data from In-House-Account (QB4.0 and later does not convert it any more)
Make sure the file in IHA can be successfully read and manipulated. Try starting the convert process again. All the version of QBW that converted the file are now sunset so further options for customer are limited to working within current QBWs which means creating a new file.
Error opening data file.
Can't read header information
Damaged file header
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=23
Error reading from C-Index
C-Index returned a failure when reading an edlist record
problem reading a list record
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=87
Error reading item history record
Error trying to read item history record (duh)
Unable to read the inventory history for the item
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=79
Error reading last reconcile report
An error occurred trying to read the last reconcile report. This report is separate from the rest of the users data so it should not effect it
Problem displaying or printing the past reconcile report
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=372
Error reading Quickbooks file
During convert, Quickbooks for windows failed to recognize a record from a Quickbooks for DOS data file. If Quickbooks for DOS can successfully read and manipulate the data, this may indicate a bug in QBW restart the convert
During convert, Quickbooks for windows failed to recognize a record from a Quickbooks for DOS data file. If Quickbooks for DOS can successfully read and manipulate the data, this may indicate a bug in QBW restart the convert
Verify the file is okay in QBD. This is also a release issue for 5.0r5 - have customer update their program to r7 (r6 won't convert at all)
Error reading Quicken file
Quickbooks faild to recognize a record from a Quicken data file. If Quicken (and any add on products) can read and manipulate the data, this may indicate a bug
QB failed to read a record from a Quicken data file
Verify that the data can be successfully read and manipulated in Quicken (and any add on products whose data is being converted) If so, restart the convert.
Error reading Quicken or QuickBooks Dos data file
Quickbooks faild to recognize a record from a Quicken or QuickBooks DOS data file. If Quicken (and any add on products) can read and manipulate the data, this may indicate a bug.
Should only appear in association with conversion from Quicken or QB DOS. Problem reading a record in Quicken or QBD
Verify that the data can be successfully read and manipulated in Quicken or QuickBooks (and any add on products whose data is being converted) If so, restart the convert. If unable to correct contact ICU for further options
Error reading QuickInvoice file.
C-Index couldn't read the QI file for some unknown reason
Problems reading the QuickInvoice file index
There could be a .QID file thats not a QuickInvoice file. Rename it to something else so we don't try converting it.
Error reading target
Error reading target OR memorized tx target
Error reading target (individual line on a transaction) OR memorized tx target
May be due to bad data or may be due to invalid txList. Try closing company and repeating steps. If further problem was txList problem, Run Verify & Rebuild. Check KB - there are some release issues in early versions that will cause c=43 and some issues where it is not data damage, but caused by transacations being deleted
Error recording deleted transaction in the audit trail
QuickBooks failed storing the transaction being removed into the audit trail. May not be enogh memory or disk space to complete the operation.
QBW failed to record a transaction that was deleted in the audit trail
Free up disk space. Reboot system if necessary. File should be fine (audit trail just did not get recorded), might want to verify and rebuild if needed
Error saving reconcile report to disk
When the user finishes reconciling an account QB saves the reconcile report as it is to disk so it can reprint it at a later time if the user chooses. This error occurs if QB is unable to save part or all of the report.
Problem saving the reconcile report.
Might be a low memory issue. The actual data should not be effected, you will just loose your last reconcile report. If it is not low memory the last reconcile report may be corrupted, verify rebuild if necessary.
Error setting number of targets.
Target number is greater than the number of allocated targets (only debug version).
This error should only occur in the debug version - most likely trying to capture the record jumps in targets
Quickbooks Data Recovery for C=71
Error writing master record
Either error writing master record OR error compressing and record. May happen when merging names
QBW was unable to write to the master record of a transaction
Rebuild and Verify the data file
Error writing reconcile report
An error occurred trying to save the reconcile report to disk
An error occurred trying to save the reconcile report to disk
When the user finishes reconciling an account we save the reconcile report as it is to disk so we can reprint it at a later time if the user so chooses. This error occurs if we are unable to save part or all of the report. Might low disk space. There shouldn't be anything wrong with the file, you might be missing the last reconcile report.
Error writing target
Error writing target
Error writing target (individual line on a transaction)
Verify Rebuild if necessary. If that doesn't work, try freeing memory and resources. If error occurs in rebuild try to go to the transaction that is causing error - if unable to go to transaction the file may need Quickbooks Data Recovery
Error writing to C-Index
C-Index returned a failure
problem writing to file
Verify rebuild if needed. Check resources - reboot in safe mode if necessary. If unable to get into file - restore a backup or send file in for Quickbooks Data Recovery - Check KB for further troublshooting information
Error Writing wndow positions
QBW was unable to save window positions to disk
Error should only happen in 2.0 - QBW was unable to write window positions to file - would occur when closing a window in QBW
check disk space. Verify file, rebuild if necessary
Exceeded Capacity of Item History Table
There is too much historical information for one inventory item. Could possibly be data damage.
Could possibly be a damaged item or list. Could be a faulty converty from Mac.
Try rebuilding file. Find which item is causing error - create new item merge old into new. If customer just converted from Mac to QBW 5.0 (or higher) instruct customer to export and import the item list.
Expected a table part to be active
Some part of a table was inactive unexpectedly
problem displaying a form or report
Exit Quickbooks, Close some applications, and try again. Review KB for some program related issues with QBM and earlier versions of QBW on a invoice when selecting tax item and customer is taxable.
Field or other object on form has an invalid height or width.
Occurs on Macs with small screens; may also occur if a window can not be placed on screen (large pick lists for example?)
Occurs on Macs with small screens; may also occur if a window can not be placed on screen
Make sure that screen is at least a 13" monitor, especially on Macs
Field type inside table is invalid
Perhaps memory is corrupt, coding error
problems displaying a form - also seen with the wrong tax table update installed
Exit Quickbooks and try again, try same steps in new company. Check the tax table according to related KB.
Filtered edlist message error
Unknown message when processing the filtered list proc.
problem displaying a list
resort all the lists make sure show all is selected - if error is occuring with a pick list or a list that cannot be resorted - try in a new company - reinstall if needed
FindTarg in transaction failed
QBW was searching for a particular split line and could not find it. This means data file may be corrupted
Running a find, getting transaction history, or detail report where split is required and it is unable to locate the split information
Resort COA, Names, and Items (show-all marked). Can the transaction be accessed from another source (register, QR, etc) Have the user free up some memory and try again. If it still fails, run verify data and try rebuilding the data file if necessary.
Form field types don't match
some field type on a form is invalid or unexpected
A field on a form is invalid or unexpected.
If it is on a invoice or customizied templete try to default the templete. If it is a form you cannot edit try in another company - reinstall Quickbooks.
FormMgrAddObj() called before FormMgrSetWindow()
Internal problem while trying to display a form
QBW had a problem displaying a form.
Try to reproduce the error both in their file and in sample. Verify the file and rebuild if necessary. Reinstall QBW as necessary. If error still occurs Report exact steps.
FormMgrSetWindow - bad window
Internal problem while trying to display a form. Tried to use a non-Quickbooks window to display Quickbooks data.
QBW had a problem displaying a form.
Try to reproduce the error both in their file and in sample. Verify the file and rebuild if necessary. Reinstall QBW as necessary. If error still occurs Report exact steps.
Freeing Locked memory
Memory must be "unlockec" before QB can tell Windows it isn't using it anymore. This is a case where QB is trying to give it back to Windows with it "locked"
QB did not release the memory correctly back to windows
See if you can reproduce the problem without changing any of the settings. Please report exact steps to reproduce and what programs are also running.
GetBitN - Range error
Bitmaps are mostly used for selected items in report filters. Here we're trying to set a bit that is out of bounds of allocated memory.
Each target has a series of flags (called bitmaps) that can be set for faster reporting. (example> if it is paid, or marked to print are flags). We are trying to set this to something that is not possible.
Try to reproduce the error both in their file and in sample. Verify the file and rebuild if necessary. Try to narrow down to the transaction that is causing the problem and delete it.
Glue Free (NULL)
Qb thought it needed to give some memory back to Windows, but thendidn't specify which piece of memory
QB did not release the memory correctly back to windows
See if you can reproduce the problem without changing any of the settings. Please report exact steps to reproduce and what programs are also running.
hmemcmpSO of different offsets
Currently this can only happen when we're trying to determine if a transaction has changed. Something's corrupted in memory but the data file should be okay. A Windows only problem
QBW is having a problem determine if the transaction has changed.
Close all windows restart QBW and try again. Reboot system if needed.
If you are doing a normal import, this is a drat. If you have fiddled with the import file this message is not a drate this is a debug message
Something is wrong with the IIF file or there is a bug in import
Something is wrong with the IIF file or there is a bug in import
Run verify, rebuild if necessary. What type of information was being imported into the file - might have to delete some of the information that was being imported in.
Insufficient memory for edlist disk buffer
We ran out of memory starting up. The data is fine
Not enough memory for one of the qbw buffers
Free memory reboot system if necessary try to launch another file.
Insufficient memory for resetting header, footer information to default values
QBW requested memory to reset the header and footer in a report to the default and we could not get the memory
Problem displaying report because of memory issues
Memory is very low, exit as many applications as you can and try again. Try restarting windows, ending task on extraneous applications. Check free space on HD. See if error occurs in sample company - reinstall if necessary.
Insufficient memory for update
Insufficient memory for update
Insufficient memory for update
free memory reboot system if necessary and try update again
Insufficient memory to build missing check form
The system is REALLY out of memory
The system is REALLY out of memory
Close other applications and try again. Restart system. Check TSR's, end non-essential applications. If error persists check Virtual Memory management, is Windows managing? Check free space on HD. See if error exists in sample company - reinstall if necessary.
Insufficient memory to complete operation
The report is out of memory
The report is out of memory
Exit QBW and try again. If error still occurs try with less columns or rows. Try different report.
Insufficient memory to print mailing labels
Insufficient memroy to print mailing labels
Problem printing mailing labels
Make more memory available. End task on non-essential routines. May require system re-boot. Check Printer memory settings. Try same steps in sample company, try with smaller number of lables.
Invalid account criteria type
An error occurred during a search
problem doing find
Exit qb try find again. Attempt same steps in sample. Report steps to reproduce.
Invalid account or item type
An invalid account or item type was passed into Quickbooks account or item compare function.
List damage
Resort lists - check for any problems (KB 102684 good suggestions). If error is occuring on a customized template - try defaulting the template - in QBM might occur when trying to edit the account - condense file prior to start date.
Invalid auto link type specified
Internal Error -- attempting to link two txs with non-existant link type
problem creating link
delete both transactions you are attempting to link - verify and rebuild if necessary - re-enter transactions and try linking again
Invalid bucket ID.
Internal error while generating a report. Getting this message means that we've trashed memory
Error ususally occurs when trying to generate a report and there is some corrupt memory.
What report were they running - try different report. Try same report again with different filters (smaller date range) Try same report in the sample company. Reboot system and reinstall QB is necessary. Report steps to reproduce.
Invalid field specified to position by
Internal Error -- Table footer has an illegal field definition
unsure - most likely unable to display a form because of a invalid field
Verify rebuild if necessary. If error is occuring on a templete - try defaulting that templete. Get steps to reproduce - see if occurs in sample company. Report where error occurs.
Invalid index detected in an EdList.
Memory has become corrupt or some internal coding error
List damage
resort all lists - exit qb and go back in. Verify file rebuild if needed.
Invalid index type in Write and Read low level code.
Error when trying to write or read data.
Error when trying to write or read data.
Verify, rebuild if necessary. Try to delete transaction causing error. Restore a backup or send to Quickbooks Data Recovery
invalid memory handle
This is a debuging message. If you see it there is a real problem
Should not be encountered in a publicly released version.
Check version and release information. If this is a valid consumer release of QB, Report full error message and steps leading to error generation.
Invalid Qcard operand read
An operation on a Qcard could not be completed
Problem displaying a Qcard
A harmless problem with the program. Turn off the qcards exit the program and turn on the qcards again
Invalid quicken file
Account headers in the quicken file appear to be inconsistent (debug version only)
Account headers in the quicken file appear to be inconsistent>
Verify that the data can be read and used in Quicken refer customer to Quicken support if necessary to make sure file is stable. Please report this it should not occur in the shipped product
Invalid rCrit
Invalid Information sent to CreateTxList
Problem displaying report
this error should only occur on older (2.0 - 3.1) version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary
Invalid size for a pick list item
Memory is corrupted or coding error
unable display the information from a pull down list
Close QB, check resources - reboot if needed try again if sill occuring - try same steps in sample company.
Invalid window in GetWindowState()
While saving the desktop we ran across a window that wasn't a window. Windows only, not Mac
Problem saving the desktop, or displaying the saved desktop
If error is occuring when opening file - saved desktop might be damaged. Try opening file holding down the alt key to bypass loading the desktop. Save a new desktop (in 6.0 and later the desktop preference is user specific - error might happen for just one user)
Link already has record number in RecordLinks()
QBW attempted to assign a duplicate record number to link. The link was not recorded and we stopped trying to link the transactions together.
QBW did not link the trasactions together correctly.
Memorize and delete the transaction which was added or edited. Verify file, if verify fails, rebuild file as necessary. Re-enter the transactions trying to link them together again. If error still occurs complete delete both transactions and re-enter fresh.
Link not found in ReadLinksTrans2Targ()
QuickBooks failed to find the link for a target.
Problem locating a link for the transation
Verify rebuild if necessary. Check for link damage - open invoice, unpaid bills, cbbs, undeposited funds, etc. Delete the problem transactions and re-enter.
Link type >=32. Too many bits for SetLinkTypeCritBits()
We have the ability internally to search for specific type of links. This error is telling us that we're searching for too many types (32 is the max) but since we have fewer then 10 types this shouldn't arise. If it does, we've corrupted memory.
QBW is trying to search for something in the file it should not be able to search for. We should not have more than 32 link types, in this case QBW is trying to search for more that 32.
Find out which customization is causing the problem, or which aspect of Find and report. Verify, rebuild if necessary. Delete any transactions that might be causing the error to occur.
List item merge faild
Quickbooks could not merge two list items. Both items still exist, but it may be that some transactions were changed to refer to the target of the merge
Quickbooks could not merge two list items. Both items still exist, but it may be that some transactions were changed to refer to the target of the merge
Rebuild should fix the problem. Resort the lists - exit out of qb and try again. If unable to merge existing items try to create new list element and merge old with new - if able to narrow to any transaction or list element causing problem - deleting and re-enter information.
Memorized object too big.
When converting Quicken or QuickBooks Dos data file - memorized object appears to be too big, it will not be converted.
Problem converting file from DOS or quicken because of a "large" memorized object
restore file in original program. Check memorized transaction, reports etc. Delete unused or unnecessary memorized information try converting again. Run correction utility in original program. Attempt to convert file again.
Mismatched calls to QBWAllowDrawing()
In order to speed up screen refreshes sometimes we turn off drawing when we know we're going to draw something again anyway. This error is telling us we turned drawing on or off too many times without a matching call to turn it back on or off.
Problem with screen refresh/draw.
Please report the error. Internal logic error or data problem. Restart Quickbooks. The screen might look garbled though.
Missing special payroll item.
QuickBooks was looking for a special payroll item (like FUTA, FWH, etc) and could not find one.
QuickBooks was looking for a special payroll item (like FUTA, FWH, etc) and could not find one. Most likely some type of list damage to the payroll item list
Turn off the payroll options, turn back on. Verify and rebuild if necessary. If the "Special" payroll item is not showing as a rebuilt item, escalate call to Quickbooks Data Recovery
Mmaulreg() unexpectedly received TLP_TXLIST_REGEN message
the register was sent a message it doen't understand A 'regen' should only be sent to a txlist in pay bills or receive payments. This could be caused by internal memory corruption.
The register was sent a message it doen't understand. Message should only occur on pay bills or receive payments.
Close the register. Try same steps again. See if error just occurs with one account - create a new account merge old into the new. (same steps if only occurs with one name)> See if error occurs with other files. If error is still occuring - restart windows try once more. Reinstall QBW if necessary
Negative open quantity detected
Negative open quantity detected
Negative open quantity detected
Delete the trasanction and re-enter.
No "state" payroll item.
Internal error - wrong parameters to the call to return the "state" payroll item.
Problem reading the "state" payroll item
Turn off the payroll options, turn back on. Verify and rebuild if necessary. Is there a state payroll item on the list? Do the employees have the correct payroll item selectioned on their profile? Reselect if necessary. If the state item is a rebuilt item, restore a backup or submit to Quickbooks Data Recovery
No field size specified
Unable to create a field on a form because the size of the buffer to hold input data was unspecified; coding error.
problem displaying a form
Close applications to free memory close QB and try again. Try defaulting the templete. See if problem occurs in sample company reinstall if needed. Please Report the form that this error is occuring on.
No memory for style for invoice, credit memos etc.
We ran out of memory when trying to create a customized form. Otherwise, an unspecified error.
Problem displaying a customized form
Free up memory and restart Quickbooks. If working with templates, edit the offending template and save changes. Default the templetes causing problems (review c=91 and associated KBs)
No message ID specified
QBW was trying to put up a warning message of some type and the text it is supposed to display is undefined. This is a coding error.
QBW is unable to display warning message
check system resoucres - reboot if necessary - try file local. Try in sample company - reinstall if needed. Report steps to reproduce is error still occurs
No proc given in SelListCreate
Probably a coding error. Next candidate would be a memory problem
Most likely a memory problem
Exit Quickbooks and try again.
No proc given in UndoAddItem
Probably a coding error. Next candidate would be a memory problem
Most likely a memory problem
Exit Quickbooks and try again.
No size specified for field on form.
A field has no spaces specified to store data. Perhaps out of memory but more likely coding error
problem displaying or recording a form
Get steps to reproduce (which form) and report. Try defaulting the templete. See if occuring in new file. Exit out of QB and try again. Reinstall if necessary.
No sort specified for tx report
During the creation of the report QBW tried to create it without a sort order. This is a coding error
problem displaying a report
The action to take depends on which report caused the problem. Try to find another way of getting the data they are looking for. Are resources OK. Can the report be filtered for a small date range or fewer names?> Verify file - rebuild if needed. see if able to get same error in sample - Report what report is causing the error
No String Defined for ini ID or bad ini ID
QBW is looking for an item in the QBW.INI file which it hasn't even defined.
QBW had problems reading information from QBW.INI file - often customer number
Action depends on the V number. The program is looking for information that we didn't define. How does customers QBW.INI file compare to yours? Significant omissions. Make sure the customer number is showing correct. Rename QBW.INI and reinstall QBW.
No string defined for preference ID or bad prefid
QuickBooks is asking for a preference from QBW.INI but the preference ID is unknown. Possibly QBW failed to load a resource string because the qbwin.dll has been corrupted.
QB had problem pulling information from QBW.INI
Try rebooting and restart QB. See if same problem occurs in sample company. Reinstall if necessary.
No table footer defined
Quickbooks attempted an operation on a table footer but the table had no footer
problem displaying a form or report
Report what form or window error is occuring. Try defaulting the templete see if error occurs in sample reinstall if needed.
Not a form window (expected one)
QBW requested form window information for something that was not on a form
problem displaying a window or read from the templete on later versions
default templete if you are trying to open a invoice or other customized form also look at c=291. If it is another window close all other windows and try again.
Not an error code.
This is a string id, not an error code.
This is a string id, not an error code.
No action should be necessary should be able to ok pass message. Report where error occurred.
Not enough memory for statement edit form
Can't print statement because memory allocation failure
Problem printing statement
Need to make more memory available. End task on extraneous avtivities. Safe mode a possibility. See if same problem occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary.
Not enough memory to complete operation. Exiting the program.
QuickBooks' general message when it failed to allocate / reallocate the memory.
There was not enough memory to complete the operation or need to allocate memory differently
Free up memory - exit program re-enter - reboot if necessar. Check free space on HD. Try sample company - reinstall if necessary.
Not enough memory to edit list item
Not enough memory to edit object in list
problem editing a item/account/name any list item
this error should only occur in older (2.0-3.1) versions of QBW. V has which list. Try again with more memory available
Not enough memory to grow transaction list
Not enough memory to GrowTxList or CreateTxList
Problem displaying report
This error should only occur in older (2.0-3.1) Not enough memory. Try again with more memory available.
Not even enough memory to allocate list of txLists
QBW keeps a master list containing lists of transactions that are currently in use. There isn't enough memory to create this list
May be encountered if user is sequentially entering huge amount of transactions. Occurs when system memory is depleted
Memory is very low, exit as many applications as you can and try again. Try restarting windows, ending task on extraneous applications. Check virtual memory management; is Windows managing? Check free space on HD. If low, have customer clear up space. Try sample company - reinstall if necessary.
Out of string buckets
Internal error while generating a report. Getting this message means that we've trashed memory.
Error ususally occurs when trying to generate a report and there is some corrupt memory.
What report were they running - try different report. Try same report again with different filters (smaller date range) Try same report in the sample company. Reboot system and reinstall QB is necessary. Report steps to reproduce.
Pick list item text too long.
QuickBooks tried to add a new item to a pick list but the item text was too long
problems adding information to a pick list
try adding name again this time make name shorter.
Problem with Quicken or DOS Quickbooks file during convert
A bad trailer record was found during convert
Should only appear in association with conversion from Quicken or QB DOS.
Is source data file healthy? If not, repair and convert again. If unable to correct submit to ICU for further options.
Problems with custom fields dictionary
QuickBooks could not write the changes to the custom field dictionary record.
QuickBooks could not write the changes to the custom field dictionary record.
check disk space. Verify file, rebuild if necessary. Try editing a different custom field.
Problems with custom fields dictionary.
QuickBooks could not create the custom field dictionary record. This message follows C=379.
QuickBooks could not create the custom field dictionary record. This message often follows C=379.
If error is occuring when opening file - lists are unable to load into memory - restore backup or refer to Quickbooks Data Recovery. If you are able to get into file - try restorting all the lists look for any problems on the lists. Run verify and rebuild if necessary
Problems with custom fields dictionary.
There is a mismatch in the expected version number of the custom field dictionary and the read one.
There is a mismatch in the expected version number of the custom field dictionary and the read one.
If error is occuring when opening file - lists are unable to load into memory - restore backup or refer to ICU. If you are able to get into file - try restorting all the lists look for any problems on the lists. Run verify and rebuild if necessary.
Problems with custom fields dictionary.
QuickBooks could not create the custom field dictionary record.
QuickBooks could not create the custom field dictionary record.
If error is occuring when opening file - lists are unable to load into memory - restore backup or refer to ICU. If you are able to get into file - try restorting all the lists look for any problems on the lists. Run verify and rebuild if necessary.
Purchase orders memory error
No memory to create tCrit
problem displaying purchase orders
Free more memory. End task on extraneous activities. Try safe-mode. Verify rebuild if necessary.
Purchase Orders transaction list error
Couldn't create tx list of purchase orders
Problem generating report on Purchase Orders, such as, Open Purchase Order report.
Free more memory. Verify the file, rebuild if indicated. Try generating a Transaction Report filtered for Purchase Orders.
QBW is trying to read some data that has been partially deleted.
QBW is trying to read some data that has been partially deleted.
QBW is trying to read some data that has been partially deleted.
If unable to open file using troubled company steps restore a backup or send to Quickbooks Data Recovery.
QuickZoom on an 'other' name type is not fully supported yet
QBW allowed the user to QuickZoom on a report that doesn't support QuickZoom. This is a coding error
Customer did a quickzoom on a report but should not have
See if problem happens in a new company. Reinstall Quickbooks if necessary. If able to reproduce - Report steps.
Realloc of report strings failed
QB has partially completed the generation of the report and run out of memory. Rather than jeopardize the data, QB will stop generating the report.
Problem displaying report
Close other applications and try again. If this fails, restart windows and end task on non-essential applications. Check free space on HD. If this doesn't work there is nothing we can do to enable this report to run. See if error occurs in sample - reinstall if necessary. Verify rebuild if necessar.
RecordLinks (2) unable to get next record number.
C-Index was unable to assign a record number to the link we were generating.
QBW did not correctly record the link that is being generated.
Memorize and delete the transaction which was added or edited. Verify file, if verify fails, rebuild file as necessary. Re-enter the transactions trying to link them together again. If error still occurs complete delete both transactions and re-enter fresh.
RecordLinks unable to get next record number
Unable to get next record number while recording links
QB is unable to read what the next record number in the file should be when trying to record some links.
Verify, rebuild if needed. Delete the transactions causing problem try to record again. Restore backup or contact ICU for further options of Quickbooks Data Recovery
Reminders memory error
No memory to create tCrit.
problem displaying reminders
Close all programs - reboot if neceaary - try safe mode. See if error occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary
Reminders transaction list error
An error occurred while creating transaction lists for reminders
problem displaying reminders
Close all programs - reboot if neceaary - try safe mode. See if error occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary
Report line is wider then maximum allowed
One of the lines in the report being printed is wider then the maximum QBW can print across the defined page. This is coding error.
Problem printing a report
QB has made a mistake in figuring out how to do the printing. The user could try making the margin smaller or changing the font to a smaller size. Try printing with default fonts. Check paper size. Please report the error with all details, report being printed (details), font, printer model and driver version. Include system info.
Report string bucket locked
The memory that holds the text for the report being generated cannot be moved in memory and therefore cannot grow to hold more text
Problem displaying report
Close other applications and try again. Restart system. Check TSR's, end non-essential applications. Try another report - with less information filtered - smaller date range - etc.
Report string moved during really
The memory holding the text for the report being generated was moved in memory, the report will be really messed up so we abort
Problem displaying report
Close other applications and try again. If this fails, restart windows and end task on non-essential applications. Check free space on HD. If this doesn't work there is nothing we can do to enable this report to run. See if error occurs in sample - reinstall if necessary. Verify rebuild if necessar.
Restore encountered a RLC block which it did not recognize
QuickBooks was unable to restore the backup file. Most likely due to a corrupted backup file.
QB was unable to restore a backup file - most offen occurs with a mac file.
Go back to QBM make sure the preferences for reporting is defaulted (not set to description only)> make another back and try again. Could also be a corrupted backup - if first suggestion does not work - try backing up onto hard drive then restoring (if unable to restore might be something wrong with file - trouble shoot like it is data damage) try backing up onto floppy and restore on same system if unable to restore might be something wrong with the floppy drive.
SearchTxListForTarg() sortby NOTHING
QuickBooks is trying to search a transaction list with no sorting criteria
problem displaying a report
Close all programs - reboot if neceaary - try safe mode. See if error occurs in sample company. Try another report - if it is a memorized report create a new report. Verify rebuild if necessary
SearchTxListForTarg() with unknown key sort.
QBW was searching a list of transactions and the list is not sorted in a known way. This is a coding error.
problem displaying a report
verify rebuild if necessary - try another report - try changing the filters or customizing to change information changing sort by etc. Try same report in sample company - reinstall if necessary
SelList - trying to restore parent window proc but there isn't one.
QB was tring to hide a drop-down list but couldn't find a parent window
QB was tring to hide or close a drop-down list but couldn't find the window where the list was being displayed from.
Data should be fine. Quit QB and restart see if you can reproduce the error. If you can try in the sample reinstall if needed. Report the steps.
SelListHide() Called while in SelListShow()
We interrupted ourselves while trying to hide a drop-down list.
QBW is having> a problem closing a drop down list.
Try to reproduce the error. See if error occurs in sample. Rebuild if necessary. Reinstall QBW if necessary. If error still occurs Report steps to reproduce.
SelListShow() - reentered
We interrupted ourselves while trying to show a drop-down list. A bug in the program, combined with some aspect of the users data and system setup has caused a possible endless loop.
QBW is having a problem showing a drop down list.
Try to reproduce the error. See if error occurs in sample. Rebuild if necessary. Reinstall QBW if necessary. If error still occurs Report steps to reproduce.
SelListShow() called while in SelListHide()
We were trying to hide and show a drop-down at the same time
QBW is having a problem displaying a drop down list. We are trying to close and open the list at the same time.
Try to reproduce the error. See if error occurs in sample. Rebuild if necessary. Reinstall QBW if necessary. If error still occurs Report steps to reproduce.
SetBitN - range error
Bitmaps are mostly used for selected items in report filters. Here we're trying to set a bit that is out of bounds of allocated memory.
Each target has a series of flags (called bitmaps) that can be set for faster reporting. (example> if it is paid, or marked to print are flags). We are trying to set this to something that is not possible.
Try to reproduce the error both in their file and in sample. Verify the file and rebuild if necessary. Try to narrow down to the transaction that is causing the problem and delete it. If same error occurs in sample - get exact steps and report
Setting key in IsDupDoc
If QBW was recording a transaction, this is a coding error in the code which searches for duplicate document numbers. If QBW was verifying the data, this is a coding error during the verification of account or name balances
Problem recording transaction and searching for duplicate document numbers
If we were recording the transaction, the user could try and turn off duplicate document number checking for the document type they are recording. If it was during verify data there isn't much they can do. Restore a backup or contact ICU
Shrinking single target
Condense unable to shrink transaction data (probably data error).
Condense unable to shrink transaction data (probably data error).
Verify file rebuild if necessary - check for link damage - open invoice, unpaid bills etc. Memorize and delete the problem transactions.
SORTBY_REG in this type of search is disallowed (search by date, or name, or item)
Transaction list bug
Problem displaying report - also seen when trying to view a memorized statement charge with no source account attached.
Try in safe-mode. Attempt same report in sample company. Verify rebuild if needed. Try other reports. Report what report the error is occuring on. If error is occuring with memorized transaction - delete transaction and enter again.
SortTxList() with unknown key sort
QBW was creating a list of transactions and there was no sort order specified. This is a coding error.
problem displaying report
Try another report. See if same problem occurs in sample company Verify rebuild if necessary. Verify file rebuild if necessary
String Bucket:> Too many rows or columns
The report cannot be generated because there is not enough meory to hold all the text required to display the report
Problem displaying report
Close other applications and try again. Restart system. Check TSR's, end non-essential applications. Try another report - with less information filtered
Table field types don't match
Internal error regarding tables
Problem displaying information from a table
Report where the error is occuring. Try exiting out of qb and trying again, try reinstalling, try a new company
Table not open
Trying to close a table but it was not open, unexpectedly
when trying to close a window qbw it is unable to close a table because never opened but it should have been
Report steps to reproduce and what window they are trying to close
Targ not tax item in TaxTargNumToRevenue()
A target that is supposed to be a tax line is not a Tax line
A target that is supposed to be a tax line is not a Tax line
Verify and Rebuild if necessary. Delete thr problem transaction and re-enter.
There is a running balance while sorting
Transaction list bug
Problem displaying report
Try in safe-mode. Attempt same report in sample company. Verify rebuild if needed. Try other reports. Report what report the error is occuring on.
There is not enough memory to complete the export
Ran out of memory during export
Export fails due to lack of sufficient virtual memory. With QBM - the QB application icon had been moved into the components folder.
Free up memory - exit program re-enter - reboot if necessar. Check free space on HD. Try sample company - reinstall if necessary. With QBM - move the QB application icon back into the main folder and try exporting again.
This file was not closed in the previous session
QuickBooks was unable to close the data file in previous session. The data should be fine.
System crashed while QB was open.
If unable to open file try copying file file and see if able to open file or try renaming the qbi file.
This is a problem with the DOS quickBooks list file
We detected some sort of damage in the QB/DOS QMT file
problem converting a QBDOS file
Run QBUTIL, try converting again - submit case for Quickbooks Data Recovery
Too many lines in reminder list.
QuickBooks could not display the reminder list because there were too many lines.
QBW is not able to display the reminders list because there are too many lines
Limitation should be 32,000 reminder lines. What has customer used reminders for in past?> How did information display before error started occuring? Report steps customer might have taken to max out the list.
Transaction buffer not allocated for Qty trans
most likely out of memory
A internal buffer is not correctly allocating memory for a transaction
Verify, rebuild if necessary. Try to delete transaction causing error. Restore a backup or send to Quickbooks Data Recovery
Transaction remarked during convert
QuickBooks tried to convert a transaction in a QBDOS file incorrectly
problem converting a QBDOS file
Verify integurity of file in QBDOS, qbutil Should only occur in debug builds, not in shipping releases
Tried to read from a virtual txList
We tried to do an illegal operation on virtual transaction list, i.e. cogs and inventory
problem displaying report that contains "virtual" transactions
Try another report. See if same problem occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary. Narrow down items on report - see if able to determine inventory item causing problem - create new item, merge old item into the new.
Tried to read from a virtual txList
We tried to do an illegal operation on a virtual target, i.e. cogs and inventory
problem displaying report that contains "virtual" transactions
Try another report. See if same problem occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary. Narrow down items on report - see if able to determine inventory item causing problem - create new item, merge old item into the new.
Trying to read invalid master record
QBW tried to read an invalid transaction or memorized transaction. The data file is most likely damaged
QBW is having a problem reading the master of the transaction. This error will sometimes also occur when trying to look at a transaction history because the transaction it is linking to is gone or damaged. This is a non-fatal error and you should be able to continue working in the file.
Memorize, delete and re-enter the problem transaction. Verify file - rebuild if necessary. Check for any link damage - open invoice, unpaid bills, undeposited funds, cbbs. Review KB for some examples known problem and further troublshooting
Trying to read target number zero
QBW tried to read an invalid split line for a transaction or a memorized transaction. The data file may or may not be damaged. It may just be QBW has a bug which causes it to look for an invalid split line
QBW is having a problem reading part of the target split. This error will sometimes also occur when trying to look at a transaction history because the transaction it is linking to is gone or damaged. This is a non-fatal error and you should be able to continue working in the file.
Memorize, delete and re-enter the problem transaction. Verify file - rebuild if necessary. Check for any link damage - open invoice, unpaid bills, undeposited funds, cbbs. Review KB for some examples known problem and further troublshooting
TxListGetItem() without fo range Item number
This is a debuging message. If you see it there is a real problem
Check the ctrl-1 screen for what version are they using - if it is a normal version of QB Report all system information and steps to reproduce
TxListGetNextItem() without the range item pointer
This is a debuging message. If you see it there is a real problem
Check the ctrl-1 screen for what version are they using - if it is a normal version of QB Report all system information and steps to reproduce
Unable to add root nodes to data file
Quickbooks had a problem initializing a data file
Quickbooks had a problem initializing a data file or adding information to the file structure
Make sure the user has enough disk space. If a network is present, make sure the file is not in use by another task. Close down QB and try adding information again. Verify file rebuild if necessary.
Unable to allocate history update action buffer
We're probably out of memory
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again. See if it occurs with another file. Make sure file is local.
Unable to allocate memory
Unable to allocate memory for hList.g in an EdListType
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again.
Unable to allocate memory
unable to re-allocate memory for an hList.g in and EdListType
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again.
Unable to allocate memory
We're probably out of memory
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again.
Unable to allocate memory for PO selection list
We're probably out of memory
unable to display the PO list
Free more memory. Run the open PO report - see how many PO are open for the vendor. Try to close several and try again - if this works please Report the number of PO s for vendor.
Unable to allocate memory for register
We're probably out of memory
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again. See if it occurs in another file. Which register is causing problem - see if they are reaching the max number of lines (windows limitation of 65535 per window)
Unable to allocate memory for specific pick lists
Out of memory
unable to display a pull down list because system is out of memory
Close some applications and try again. Reboot if needed.
Unable to allocate or re-allocate memory
We're probably out of memory
Probably out of memory.
Close some applications and try again.
Unable to allocate the txList sort array
Not enough memory to allocate sort array for transaction list
Problem displaying report
Try again with more memory - close TSRs and any windows within QB
Unable to begin transaction
C-Index was unable to a begin transaction; "transbeg" routine failed
Most likely data damage - problem recording a trasnaction
Verify rebuild if needed. Try a different type of trasanction. Restore a backup or refer to ICU.
Unable to build the toolbar
QuickBooks tried to build the toolbar but was unable to finish because of a corrupted resource file or lack of memory.
Problem displaying toolbar
Try sample company. Close all programs - reboot if necessary - try safe mode. Reinstall if necessary
Unable to build transaction lists for statements
Probably due to allocation failure. ?
Problem displaying statement
Need to make more memory available. End task on extraneous avtivities. Safe mode a possibility. See if same problem occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary.
Unable to close data file!
C-Index had a problem closing the data file. The file might be corrupted.
Qb had a problem closing the data file because of a problem in the file structure (C-Index)
Make a copy of the file - go into the copy of the file. Rebuild, bypassing the backup (which will first close the file) by holding down the control key when clicking on rebuild.
Unable to close file.
Unable to close the file (MAC only).
Unable to close the file (MAC only).
Verify file rebuild if necessary - will most likely have to make copy of file and rebuild bypassing the backup
Unable to compress a record
Update failed while writing a record (one of several types) when updating from previous version. This is problem while writing to the file, so data or disk damage is possible, as well as bugs.
Error updating the file
restore file in original version of QBW - verify rebuild if necessary - check lists for any problems - attempt to convert file again.
Unable to correct rounding errors in budgets.
QuickBooks tried to fix the rounding for the given time period when building a report but could not find the amount with rounded amount.
QuickBooks tried to fix the rounding for the given time period when building a report but could not find the amount with rounded amount.
Try changing the amounts. If changing the budget amounts works Report date range and amounts customer had budgeted.
Unable to create data file
Quickbooks was not able to create a new data file "dbcreate" routine failed. The number will help PD determine why
Quickbooks was not able to create a new data file
Make sure the file they're trying to create does not already exist. There may be a problem with the hard drive. Try another file name. Also try another drive location for the file.
Unable to create file
Unable to create a file in places like backup and restore
Unable to create a file in places like backup and restore
this error should only occur in older (2.0 - 3.1) version of QBW - check hard drive space, read-only access
Unable to create Image file
C-Index couldn't create the Imaging file. Disk might be full? The data file will not be opened.
Program is not able to create startup files on the hard drive.
check hard disk space. Check to see if customer is accessing across network may not have rights to write to the server, check to see if the files are locked or drive is locked by third party software such as norton
Unable to create reminders window
An error occurred while creating a reminders window.
problem displaying reminders
Close all programs - reboot if neceaary - try safe mode. See if error occurs in sample company. Verify rebuild if necessary
Unable to create temporary window.
Only on MAC. Due to a resource or memory problem
Error should only happen in QBM. Unable to create window because or resource problem
Try freeing some memory. If that doesn't work, reinstall QB.
Unable to create TxList for Paying Bills
Probably not enough memory to create list of transactions for paying bills
unable to display the information in the paybills
Try to free up some memory. Verify file, rebuild if necessary - look for any link damage with a/p - unpaid bills report compaired to account balance.
Unable to create txlist for paying liabilities.
QuickBooks failed to create a txlist for a liability report. Check for low memory.
QBW was not able to display the list of information in the pay liabilities window.
Try a different date range. Try the liabilities report. Verify file rebuild if necessary.
Unable to decompress record
Index into file or record is damaged; "putdrec" routine failed.
usually indicates damage to a list
If error is occuring when opening file - lists are unable to load into memory - restore backup or refer to ICU. If you are able to get into file - try restorting all the lists look for any problems on the lists (KB 102684 has good troublshooting suggestions)
Unable to delete link
QBW is unable to delete a record which links two transactions from the data file
Problem deleting a link attached to the transaction
Verify data and rebuild the file if verify fails. Attempt to delete transaction again. If message persists when deleting transaction check QBWIN.LOG. If verify is clean and still unable to delete the transaction restore from a backup or contact ICU for further options
Unable to delete sibling link.
Each link has two records in our data file. This error means that while deleting a link, we couldn't find the related link.
QBW did not find the second half of a link pair it was trying to delete. It is usually because there is either a transaction that is damaged or the linke is gone.
Memorize and delete the problem transactions. When you are looking for link damage - this is a good error to find because you have found the source of the reports not matching. After various link reports are clean verify might still fail with "orphan" links - there will not be any transaction information - a rebuild should clean these up.
Unable to end transaction
C-Index was unable to end a transaction; "transend" routine failed
Most likely data damage - problem recording a trasnaction
Verify rebuild if needed. Try a different type of trasanction. Restore a backup or refer to ICU.
Unable to find transaction in either axis
This is a debugging message which cannot appear in the release product
Should not be encountered in released version of QB.
Please report the error.. include full error message i.e. L=, M=, and V=
Unable to find transaction in sub-column axis
Only in debug version
Should not be encountered in released version of QB unless customer has gottten into DeBug accidentally.
Check for DeBug options - help debug at bottom. If present, restart QB. If DeBug not present Please report the error.. include full error message i.e. L=, M=, and V= and activity that lead to error.
Unable to link
Error creating link
Error creating link between trasactions
Verify file rebuild if necessary - check for link damage - open invoice, unpaid bills, undeposited funds. Memorize and delete the problem transactions.
Unable to locate program code to handle a table on a form
Perhaps memory is corrupt, coding error
problems displaying a form
Exit Quickbooks and try again. Get steps to reproduce (what form they are having the problem with) and report
Unable to memorize this transaction
The user is trying to memorize a transaction and QBW doesn't know what type of transaction it is. This is a coding error.
When trying to memorize a transaction QBW is not able to read what typd of transaction it is
Verify rebuild if necessary - Delete and recreate transaction attempting to memorize - try memorizing again - if still unable to memorize - try in new a company reinstall if necessary
Unable to open data file (2)
Quickbooks tried and failed to open what is already a suspicious data file (The data is in a state indicating it may not have closed properly)
Quickbooks tried and failed to open what is already a suspicious data file (The data is in a state indicating it may not have closed properly)
If unable to open file using the troubled company steps - restore a backup or contact ICU for further options
Unable to open file
Unable to open a Quicken file on the MAC (but the file exists). The file is possibly damaged
Unable to open a Quicken file on the MAC (but the file exists). The file is possibly damaged. Also seen as QBM restore problems with multiple disk backup and when creating file in QBM.
Open the file in Quicken and resave it to a new name, check to make sure the quicken file integrity is good. If unable to restore backup - check to make sure files are all named the same including entire path on disks. If having problems creating new company most likely files needed are not in directory - reinstall QBM.
Unable to open mirror file
CIndex could not open the mirror file
CIndex could not open the mirror file
Try the same steps in sample company. Reinstall if necessary. Report steps to reproduce.
Unable to read file
Unable to read from an auxillary file
Often problem backing up and restoring the file - media problems. Mac - problem with PC Exchange unable to backup on PC formatted diskettes.
Possibly a damaged disk. Try copying the file to see if the disk is damaged. Mac, upgrade the Mac PC exhange program to 2.0.3 or higher.
Uneven Begin/End transaction
This is a logic error in the program or the user has found a new path that we weren't aware of. Detected when closing the data file.
Problem closing the datafile, customer might have run the payroll checkup in multiuser mode
You will need to send the file for Quickbooks Data Recovery: Quickbooks Data Recovery
wrong index number or key count problem.
The program was confused about an index or a key count
The program was confused about an index or a key count
Reboot and restart Quickbooks. Rebuild and Verify if necessary. You will need to send the file for Quickbooks Data Recovery: Quickbooks Data Recovery