QuickBooks encountered a problem.
Error: You receive the error while opening or using a Quickbooks data file:
We're sorry. QuickBooks encountered a problem. The Support site contains information about this type of error and how to resolve the issue. Go to the Support site to view an article about the error. If the article doesn't help you resolve the problem, contact Support for assistance. Error codes.
Cause of Error: This error indicates there is a corruption problem with the Quickbooks data file. The source data file is damaged either because the Quickbooks data file was open while Quickbooks crashed or the operating system crashed while the file was in use.
Steps to resolve the error:
Try one or more of the following:
- Close Quickbooks and restart the computer. Then try opening the file in Quickbooks. If the error persists, there is data damage in the file and you will need to send your data file for Quickbooks Data Recovery.
- Rename the .TLG file to .OLD and try opening the data file. Quickbooks will create a new TLG file if the file has no corruption issues and the file should open in Quickbooks.
- Restore a previous backup of your data file.
Error Resolution: Quickbooks Data Recovery for QuickBooks encountered a problem.