Quickbooks Target Chaining Errors

How to resolve the Quickbooks Target Chaining Error caused by Data damage?

Quickbooks Target Chaining Errors

Quickbooks Target Chaining Errors

The Target Chaining errors occur immediately after running a Quickbooks rebuild on a corrupted data file. After you run a verify, Quickbooks will display one or more of the following messages:

  • Verify.c (4620) : CHECKPOINT: 1104: Target Chaining: Target 0000000 in transaction 0000000, points to 'next' target 0000000 which is NOT in that transaction
  • Verify.c (4747) : CHECKPOINT: 3544: Target Chaining: Next target pointer error in transaction 0000000
  • Verify.c (4499) : CHECKPOINT: 2852: Target Chaining: More than one source target on transaction 0000000, starting with target 0000000
  • verify.c (4756) : CHECKPOINT: 2852: Target Chaining: Next target pointer error in transaction 0000000, on target 0000000 (points to target 0)
  • verify.c (9593) : CHECKPOINT: 2852: !Link Error Code: 00020(HEX), BILL-CHK, linkRecNum = ######, sibling = ######, key (m1) = ######, tOne = ######, mTwo = ######, tTwo = ######

Data Recovery for Quickbooks Target Chaining Errors

Target chaining errors are permanent and cannot be repaired. However, data can be copied to a new data data file using a data migration service. To enquire about the service, please use the form below.
*Quickbooks Target Chaining error remediation services are not included in the Quickbooks Standard/Expedited Recovery Service.

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