How to Restore External Files
How to Restore Related Files
The folder that contains this document was created when you
restored a QuickBooks backup. Your restored files were
placed in this folder so as not to overwrite the existing files
on your machine. This will avoid conflicts with other users and with
other company files.
The backup file (.QBB) you restored contains copies of all of the data
needed to recreate your QuickBooks environment. The files in this folder
will enable you to recover all of your work.
NOTE: For help restoring your files, contact customer support at
Files in this directory
When you create a backup file, either from the menu selection or by
scheduling a backup, QuickBooks saves the most recent copy of the
following files (if they exist when the backup takes place):
* Company file (.QBW)
* QuickBooks Letters and templates
Located in - [Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\QuickBooks Letter Templates]
* Printer Setting(PrintEng.ini, wpr.ini, QBPrint.qbp)
Located in - [Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\"QuickBooks version">
* Spell Checker (spell.ini,User Dictionary.tlx)
Located in - [Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\"QuickBooks version">
* Financial statement designer(FSD clients, FSD data)
Client files Located in - [Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\FSD\Clients]
Data files Located in - [Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\"QuickBooks version"\Components\FSD\Data]
Note: The path for above files while working with Windows7/Vista is C:\Program Data\Intuit\
* Transaction Log Files (.TLG)
Located in - [same directory as the company file]
* ND file (.ND)
Located in - [same directory as the company file]
* Cash FLow Projector (.CFP)
Located in - [same directory as the company file]
* Business Planner(.BPW)
Located in - [same directory as the company file]
* Loan Manager files(.LMR)
Located in - [same directory as the company file]
* Image Files (files used in logos and on inventory)
Located in - [ <company file name - Images> ]
* Tax Forms
Located in [ <company file name> Tax Forms ]
* PDF Tax Form files
Located in [ <company file name> Tax Form History ]